

Update 6

Releasedato: 01-10-2019


Update 6 til version 19.2 indeholder følgende ændringer:


New functionality


Webpart layout

338    Added possibility of showing event date as a block on the following layout parts; 'Calendar event start (date)' and 'Calendar event end (date)'

155    It is now possible to choose between 'classic' and 'modern' layout method when setting up webpart layouts. The main difference is that 'classic' is based on tables, where as the modern layout is based on div.

138    It is now possible to configure layout part 'Headline' as 'show on single line'. If set, the headline will not break into multiple lines but instead show ... in the end if title is wider than zone.



Login methods

OpenID Connect (Module)

261    Administrator can setup OpenID Connect as login method if license is installed.







198    Spinner is shown instead of image on user details, if image width and height are NULL



306    Fileuploads are indexed with their file name instead of the item title


Webpart layout

314    7 layout parts was missing line spacing (Debate Statistics / Follow / FollowUpFlags / LikeDislike / Metadata (SHow Attached) / Rss / RssLink)


Login Methods

186    AD-login: The last letter cannot be removed from 'User name' field of LDAP server setup



178    Not published item (with a tag) is searchable by clicking tag in search results






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