

Patch 2

Releasedato: 14-07-2015



Patch 2 til version 15.2 indeholder følgende rettelser:


Symptom: 68864 The same icons are used for 'Add to my links' and Create external link' layout part



Symptom: 68975 Wrong icon when showing folderitemlist (Based on dynamic setting)



Symptom: 68848 "Multiple controls with the same ID.." error occur in the webpart 'Infobase layout template' when both a folder and an item within same folder is selected

Symptom: 68884 Infobase Calendar webpart does not respect infobase item publishing dates

Symptom: 68906 Latest Comments Webpart - Setup does not remember some of the settings when editing it the first time


Agenda (Module)

Symptom: 69000 When a meeting is deleted, a 404 is returned (however, the meeting is deleted i table in DB)


RSS Export (Module)

Symptom: 68567 Step 2 in creating RSS channel (add/remove folders) contain confusing icons




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