

Patch 2

Releasedato: 13-03-2015



Patch 2 til version 15.1 indeholder følgende rettelser:


Symptom: 63891 Image properties width and height are too narrow in editor



Symptom: 63480 Content font size from webpart theme not applied to reflex templates



Symptom: 64173 "You have no reading rights to that bulletin or it has been deleted" - message is displayed after deleting an item that was opened via Infobase Layout template webpart or in Infobase Explorer.


Mobile Web access (Module)

Symptom: 63522 Mandatory fields on mobile device => Employees/Employee/FillMandatoryFields does not scale to browser width


Booking (Module)

Symptom: 63647 Catering overview in booking has wrong date handling.

Symptom: 64597 Cannot assign account number during creation of reservation for non-unique resource


Helpdesk (Module)

Symptom: 65027 Helpdesk task cannot be edited after pasting html with input fields

Symptom: 65113 Unable to delete entry from application table in helpdesk


Version Control (Module)

Symptom: 63281 Unable to quickedit and translate draft item from layout

Symptom: 64600 Checked out date is offset by two




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