

Patch 5

Releasedato: 29-08-2014


Patch 5 til version 14.2 indeholder følgende rettelser:




Symptom: 58622 Link which opened from My links webpart did not open in Main if "New window" setting was unchecked.

Symptom: 56977 In the Webpart "My links" - the right click content menu does not work

Symptom: 58252 Adding to "My links" from layout part fails after search and via navigations.


Symptom: 56465 Link which opened from Infobase folder webpart did not open in New window if link was configured to do so.

Symptom: 56504 When viewing many infobase explorer webparts on same dashboard in Google Chrome, content is only changed/shown in the top webpart.

Symptom: 58433 New Birthday/Jubilee webpart does not show users with null values in bit fields and has offsets turned around



Symptom: 56774 When trying to set specific permissions on an employee field - Forbidden error is shown


IntelliForms (Module)

Symptom: 55753 When in fullscreen mode you cannot edit forms under "design" or table fields properties

Symptom: 57150 Script error is occurred while closing Rights pop-up within intelliforms application

Symptom: 58045 Missing "Update" button for users with E-permission for an IntelliForms application.


Booking (Module)

Symptom: 56411 It is possible to add Resource limitations with invalid dates, which later could cause exception

Agenda (Module)

Symptom: 56826 When editing an agenda item in the outbox, decision is placed above the Item content where it should be placed under the Item content in word.

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