

Patch 5

Releasedato: 17-04-2015


Patch 5 til version 15.1 indeholder følgende rettelser:



Symptom: 64264 When a Dashboard is copied, Dashboard and webpart rights are not copied

Symptom: 65962 Childweb: Sorting folders/items does not work for Childweb folders in navigation

Symptom: 66062 Childweb: Sorting folders/items is not updated after saving in Childweb folder in navigation settings



Symptom: 55691 Unable to add summary image to Fileupload on translations

Symptom: 56121 Create external link to Infobase item, is missing site name in displayed URL

Symptom: 65549 Changing summary image 1 on Infobase items, by uploading from PC or network, fails on translations


Agenda (Module)

Symptom: 63164 Menu items in 'Dagsorden' area not available even though user has both R and E rights


Helpdesk (Module)

Symptom: 66121 Unable to search in text entries in Helpdesk task


IntelliForms (Module)

Symptom: 48564 Mandatory fields not shown as mandatory (red)


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