

Patch 1

Releasedato: 20-02-2015


Patch 1 til version 15.1 indeholder følgende rettelser:





Symptom: 64013 Cint overflow in asp when user id is above 32767

Symptom: 64273 Childweb => Infobase Explorer in Childweb points at wrong root folder if created out from Childweb template



Symptom: 51967 Going back from employee details does not open hidden zones


Webpart layout

Symptom: 64281 Calendar webpart => Missed responses layout part popup does not list users who have responded to any other activity in the system 



Symptom: 56713 Search for colleagues Webpart => Search does not work from webpart if opened in Whole window or in New window

Symptom: 63713 Infobase Explorer webpart is not refreshed correctly when open/closed by use of expressions.

Symptom: 64281 Calendar webpart => Missed responses layout part popup does not list users who have responded to any other activity in the system



Symptom: 57253 Exception occur when trying to print Word item (without created word document in it) using "Print word" icon

Symptom: 63385 Creating uploads opens the file when saving

Symptom: 63807 RSS Folders; Not possible to copy RSS link from field by use of CTRL+C 



Symptom: 63683 Hidden Groups are found when searching in All areas and organisation

Symptom: 63873 Not able to search in Addressbook and People search area without CRM license


Booking (Module)

Symptom: 64192 Using participants on bookings can create an exception, when 'save and invite' is clicked


Wordeditor (Module)

Symptom: 57253 Exception occur when trying to print Word item (without created word document in it) using "Print word" icon

Symptom: 64647 Newly created Word items cannot be saved if they have attachments


QuickPoll (Module)

Symptom: 63384 Quickpoll => When a finished quickpoll is copied, the text in question is cropped when admin tries to edit the question




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