

Patch 2

Releasedato: 31-08-2017



Patch 2 til version 17.2 indeholder følgende rettelser:


Symptom:    95987 If running Patch 17.2.1 Dashboard may reload on specific actions (clicking like, setting rights on Infobase items)



Symptom:    96187 An error occur when a non-admin user changes own password, if the user do not have permission to view loginname field

Symptom:    96214 If you have a large number of groups (thousands) and  changing field permissions for a specific groups you may expirience a timeout exception



Symptom:    95665 Search weblet displays too high according to settings



Symptom:    96153 When entering description on file attachments on Infobase item of more than 50 characters an exception is thrown ("String or binary data would be truncated.....")


Acadre document integration (Module)

Symptom:    96211 Dialog does close and return with document info when attaching documents from Acadre


Azure Exchange Sync (Module)

Symptom:    96213 When updated to 17.2.1 the Azure Exchange sync service will not run





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