

Patch 3

Releasedato: 15-04-2016


Patch 3 til version 16.1 indeholder følgende rettelser:



Symptom: 77460 Employees: When searching employees using freetext, you get different search results if you search for "[criteria 1] [criteria 2]" and "[criteria 2] [criteria 1]"

Symptom77315 Installer: If password entered for SQL user does not comply with password rules on SQL server, installer fails with 'Unable to run script' and SQL user is not created.

Symptom: 77452 Installer: Installer removes Windows authentication setting on website that was present before update.


AD synchronization (module)

Symptom: 77189 If you have manually uploaded images to a user, and afterwards synchronize image from AD in another size, you may experience that the image has wrong proportions.


Exchange synchronization (module)

Symptom: 77317 Infoboard webpart - Font size is not correct applied according to webpart setup

Symptom: 77155 When appointments is created in Outlook 2016, odd style information related to fare-east language is shown in calendar strips after sync







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