

Patch 1

Releasedato: 04-11-2013


Patch 1 til version 13.3.0 indeholder følgende rettelser:





Symptom: Site with auto-login plugin installed, lists 'standard' as selection on login page



Symptom: Word Content webpart does not save content, when created from template and nothing is written.

Symptom: Not possible to select webparts SITEMAP and INDEX from webpart list

Symptom: List of Projectrooms shows exeption.

Symptom: Webpart Title text is aligned too low in the title bar


Image database

Symptom: Upload button not accessible in low screen resolution



IntelliForms (Module)

Symptom: User with E permission to application can only edit the application, not manage tables etc.


Helpdesk (Module)

Symptom: Helpdesk task cannot be opened if 'created by' user has been deleted


Booking (Module)

Symptom: Difficult to select values in dropdowns for PAYER and MEETINGTYPE (if enabled)

Symptom: Restriction on ressource are shown outside timeline


Exchange integration (Module)

Symptom: Department specific calendar view pages did not display correct.






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