

Patch 2

Releasedato: 20-11-2014


Ny funktionalitet:


61107 Webpart 'Dashboard Title', maskes it possible to show webpart title in a webpart (And thereby possible to i.e. hide by expression)



Patch 2 til version 14.3 indeholder følgende rettelser:



Symptom: 60782 Menu item Expression - When trying to open expression configuration, function is moved instead of opening configuration interface (only in Google Chrome)

Symptom: 60972 User is logged out when refresh icon is clicked on webpart just opened by expression



Symptom: 61088 Webpart Dashboard Image does not use margin from Webpart theme

Symptom: 61204 Infobase layout, Delete layout function not showing correctly according to rights

Symptom: 61240 Additional Webpart 'Content Window' not hidden when not showing content



Symptom: 60359 Not able to open employee details from employee list



Symptom: 60913 In rare cases when creating new Infobase item, a number of attachments on document tabwill be shown



Symptom: 56281 Not possible to search fileupload using it's infobase title/name (not the original name of the uploaded file)


Word editor (Module)

Symptom: 60369 Error occur when trying to translate Infobase item created using Word editor


Project Room (Module)

Symptom: 61105 Expressions not supported when creating project rooms from templates


NemID (Module)

Symptom: 61395 NemID javascript uses incorrect URL for requests.


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