

Patch 4

Releasedato: 20-11-2015


Patch 4 til version 15.3 indeholder følgende rettelser:



Symptom: 73029 Internal links does not open Content window (MAIN)

Symptom: 73034 Links to dashboard tries to open in content window (MAIN)

Symptom: 73156 Link to a FileUpload should opens the Infobase item instead of the document (file)

Symptom: 73206 Generic link to alternative protocol is prefixed with / in navigations


Webpart layouts

Symptom: 72731 If Item layout contains both layout parts 'archieved' and 'debate embedded' on a layout, exception is thrown

Symptom: 72735 Folder layout does not sort items like configured on folder

Symptom: 72988 Unable to edit comment layout 'Threaded with teaser'



Symptom: 72946 Zones get too wide and webparts can overlap in specific configurations



Symptom: 71595 Items layout webpart - Open link in new window is not respected (From Item layout settings)

Symptom: 72868 Items layout webpart - The Infobase item opened via a link to the Infobase item opens in default item layout

Symptom: 72945 Infobase Calendar webpart - Does not respect publish to date and time if set earlier than event date

Symptom: 73328 Webpart Index links to the link item, not the linked item.

Symptom: 73430 Infobase rotation webpart - Shows unpublished items (where publish to date not has been reached yet)

Symptom: 73530 Infobase Index webpart does not respect Open In New Window for certain link types



Webpublish (Module)

Symptom: 73335 Webpublish does not respect timeouts from Dynamic settings and cannot handle large folder sets

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