

Patch 3

Releasedato: 23-01-2018


Patch 3 til version 17.3 indeholder følgende rettelser:



Symptom:    100273 Non admin user, who has all needed rights cannot lock a discussion using "Debate embedded" layout part

Symptom:    100789 Link (Edit Workspace) in webpart titles does not work

Symptom:    100061 Sometimes an infobase item shows a number of likes on create time, even though nobody has read the item

Symptom:    100860 External Sites URL in Webpart Title is interpreted wrong




Symptom:    99849 Horizontal scroll bars appear in rotation webparts after closing MAIN



Symptom:    100525 Activity Calendar -> New activity, rights popup does not shown Workspace Groups

Symptom:    98397  Employee List webparts does not have its original roles changed after creating workspace from template















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