

Patch 7


Patch 7 til version 12.1.0 indeholder følgende rettelser og tilføjelser:


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Various components used to composition a dashboard have been optimized to produce less HTML for the browser to interpret. This has effect on older browsers (such as Internet Explorer 8) when it comes to the time it takes to render a dashboard.



A set of new webpart types has been included.



A brand new forum has been added to the product. Read all about it…



The read statistics can be analysed with Excel 2007 (and higher). See the instructions on how to access the data here.


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Symptom: Error when creating or editing a resource.



Symptom: Zone settings are not inherited from the template dashboard.

Symptom: Expressions in navigation on a Childweb cannot close MAIN and pressing back does nothing.



Symptom: The create activity form does not support keyboard navigation.

Symptom: The advanced search does not yield any results.

Symptom: Editing a campaign does not update related activities.



Symptom: Layout template webparts are not sized correctly in Firefox.

Symptom: Round corners on webparts are displayed incorrectly in Internet Explorer 8.

Symptom: The translation of links in Global navigation does not show.

Symptom: Infobase Folder List keeps shrinking when dynamic height is used.

Symptom: Unable to edit a link in dashboard tab menu.

Symptom: It takes a long time (6 seconds or more) to render a dashboard in Internet Explorer 8.



Symptom: The initials field is not visible in the Find Colleague webpart.

Symptom: Adding members to a group sends you to home dashboard.

Symptom: The same group is displayed on several pages of the group list.

Symptom: The group list is missing an indication that a group has been synchronized from AD.

Symptom: When cancelling the creating of a group, the name field is displayed as mandatory.

Symptom: The layout of the Jubilee webpart is not aligned correctly.

Symptom: The group category list uses Danish texts for an English user.

Symptom: Getting results from the Find Colleague webpart takes more than 10 seconds.


Image Database

Symptom: Mouse cursor in the image rotation webpart is wrong.



Symptom: The My Debates webpart shows expired items.

Symptom: When the Infobase Explorer is opened in its own browser window an error occurs when saving an item or a folder.

Symptom: When saving item translations, an empty line is added to the content of the translated item.

Symptom: The tabs on the statistics page are too narrow in Firefox.

Symptom: When saving a calendar item the start time is shifted one minute.

Symptom: The combination of DS WORDEDITOR / FORCE_2003_ADDIN = ON and INFOBASE / CREATE_AUTOMATIC_PDF = ON causes an error when saving word items.

Symptom: In some scenarios bulleted lists in word 2003 items might be presented wrong.


Infobase Explorer

Symptom: When moving a folder the list is not updated.

Symptom: DS INFOBASE / ALLOW_SEND_EMAIL = OFF does not disable mail sending for folders that already have it enabled.

Symptom: The first title decides the width of the title column. Other, longer titles are cut.

Symptom: It is not possible to edit a WIKI folder.



Symptom: Changes to filters are not saved.

Symptom: Activating a link to a form causes an error.

Symptom: The Ü-character is shown instead of checkmark in list views in Firefox.

Symptom: In some scenarios the same email might be sent several times.



Symptom: Translated file uploads appears twice in the search result.

Symptom: Translated employees appears several times (one pr. translation) in the search result.

Symptom: It is not possible to find an employee by zip code.

Symptom: The Refinement webpart does not support dynamic height.

Symptom: Link to attachment is formatted as link. (Should be "plain text").



Symptom: The excel export of results contains wrong column headers.

Symptom: Script error when creating a folder Poll

Symptom: When editing a category an error occurs.


RSS Synchronization

Symptom: The synchronization gets items that have expired.


Word 2003 Addin

Symptom: It is not possible to link to IntelliForms display forms from Word 2003.



Symptom: An error occurs when creating a workflow with sorted roles.

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