

Update 13

Releasedato: 21-02-2019


Update 13 til version 18.3 indeholder følgende ændringer:




Employees / WorkSpace

98394       It is now possible to see on employee details which workSpaces a user is member of (If any). The information is restricted by permission setup. So you need to setup 'R' permission to 'Member of workspaces for ordinary users other than administrators to see this.
                Each workspace name, will have a link directly to the workspace.

                A normal user will newer see names/links to a workspace that they do not have access to themself.


Infobase layout

111696     The Infobase layout part 'Content teaser' has been expanded with a property 'Make content teaser link to item', which makes the teaser text link to the full item, just like Headline does by default.


WorkSpace mobile app

103185     It is now possible to setup news channels based on tags.

103185     It is now possible to include subfolders when you setup a channels based on Infobase folder. You can edit existing channels, and add the subfolder setting.



106674     Icon to add users to workspace has been moved to the right and changed

106674     It is now possible for an administrator to allow invitation of guests to each role on an existing WorkSpace. Setting is placed in the 'Add members dialog'



111633    Group information such as Address, zip and city are now searchable in the group list



111633    Group information such as Address, zip and city are now searchable in the Intrasearch weblet and Intrasearch webpart



106622     When choosing 'restore database backup' it is now possible to select *Use existing license' so you do not have to enter license code before being able to restore.

111853     Startup message with important information is now included in the installer directly instead of fetching it externally.







Symptom:    111320    Webpart 'Find colleagues' has lost its spacing between fields



Symptom:    111424    Not possible to show employees fields with translations in their original language

Symptom:    111857    A '404 - Directory not found' error is displayed when zoom icon from floor plan is clicked on employee details



Symptom:    111777     Share with a friend link, ends up i empty page if item has been deleted




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