

Update 1

Releasedato: 19-02-2020


Update 1 til version 20.1 indeholder følgende ændringer:




951        Old discontinued Debate layouts have been removed

954        trying to zip sysinfo information throws an exception

956        Attach image/video button has wrong title on create comment and in create item webpart

961        Create new comment button is cut, if it is situated in a rather narrow layout zone

962        When you open an infobase item in a layout with any Image layout part, exception is thrown

964        User name is not clickable if comment contains an image




960        My Links webpart: Delete function is not shown




Notifications (Module)

955        Notifications was depending on dynamic setting PRE_RELEASE...


Mobile app, IOS version

945        Number of unread items in the badge is updated incorrectly




















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